Bernese Mountain Dogs - Breed Information & Education for Puppy Buyers, Owners and Breeders

About the Berner Garde Foundation

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"The Mission of Berner Garde is to ensure all Bernese Mountain Dogs (BMD) have a long and healthy lifespan of twelve to fourteen years.

To accomplish this goal the incidence of several serious inherited diseases must be decreased and, over time, eliminated. It is the hope of all who know and love a Berner that the work of BGF will lead not only to an understanding of genetic disease(s)in an individual dog, but also in the BMD breed as a whole."

Where is Berner-Garde? ⇒

Ever wonder what kind of information is stored in the BG Database?

If you aren't familiar with all the ways the Berner-Garde database can be used, check this out ⇒ Berner-Garde Database Overview (PDF, 1.8 megabytes) for information and walk through instructions to help you find your way around. It's a good tool to assist Berner breeders and Bernese puppy buyers in their research!

Why is Berner Garde for puppy buyers?

The main reason a Bernese puppy buyer would want to visit Berner Garde is to verify that the breeder they are talking with does genetic testing on dogs they use to produce litters of Berner puppies. Beyond that a buyer can check to see if the parents of a puppy have good hips and elbows. Other genetic tests that were done on the parents can also be checked. See our simple Using Berner Garde page if you aren't sure how to search the BGF database for breeder records or health information on dogs. Once you get logged in to the Berner-Garde website's database, use the Berner-Garde Database Overview as a guide to locate specific information.